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Registrations closed since 26/10/2021 12:00 PM. For more information about, please contact the organizer..
B-hub Paris Discovery Tour


On 27/10/2021
From 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM



En visio sur cette plateforme



Not yet registered

Registrations closed
For more information about, please contact the organizer..

How to book your meeting, step by step

You are a start-up,

First registrate for the event,
Then, go to your dashboard, consult the expert panel,
Select one of them, choose a time slot,
Your appointment is automatically validated.

In order to book another meeting, please go back,
select anohter expert and time slot.

You are an expert

The appointments are automatically added to your schedule, you will receive a summary the day before the event.

Discover and meet blockchain actors

They are boosting the french blockchain ecosystem
in ile-de-france!

Choose Paris-Region is a governmental agency fostering the attractiveness of Paris Region on a national, regional and world scale. It brings together public and private players who positively contribute to the Region’s appeal. This includes numerous companies, major groups and universities working to promote the Region

Systematic Paris-Region is a french cluster. Its brings together start-ups, SMEs, major groups and research institutes to boost innovation in deeptech. It provides them daily support for your innovation, development and acceleration initiatives at regional, national, European and international levels.


16.30 – 18.30 | One line matchmaking meetings 1-to-1
15 min per meeting

For any question, don't hesitate to contact us

Emmanuelle Callerand

Sabine Klotz

Follow B-hub on social media

Twitter : @B_Hub4eu

Linkedin : B-hub for Europe

