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Registrations closed since 02/10/2024 04:00 PM. For more information about, please contact the organizer..
Registration space


From 08/10/2024 01:00 PM
To 10/10/2024 02:00 PM



Congress Center
Masaryk Dormitory
Thákurova 1
160 41 Praha 6

 Czech Republic

The conference will be held in English

The conference is free of charge, including lunches.



October 8th, 1pm to October 10th, 2pm

The programme includes presentations of technologies and IPCEI Partners through plenary lectures, small group lectures and panel discussions, as well as networking coffee and lunches.

The programme may be subject to modification.


If you have any questions about this event, you can contact:

Dominik Semmler | CNSC
Sales and Marketing Departement

Catherine JURY | Minalogic
Business Developer

The Semiconductor Rendez-Vous

Toward a digital, greener, more secure, resilient and sovereign economy

More than 10 European highly innovative players will be gathered in Prague on Oct 8-9-10 to share their technological knowledge in microelectronics.

The event aims to disseminate the benefits and results generated through the project IPCEI ME/CT. Through conferences, workshops and panel discussion, it will give a panorama of these technologies, explain what they enable and how the local ecosystem could benefit from the spillover effects of innovations developed in the domain of microelectronics and communication.

Startups, SMEs, large groups and labs, in Czechia or Slovakia and close areas, interested in using microelectronics, Post-graduate students engaged in a future career in microelectronics, Universities working with or researching about microelectronics, and Public Authorities are welcome to this event.

The conference is hosted by Czech National Semiconductor Cluster and Minalogic and held in English. 

About the IPCEI ME/CT

The IPCEI ME/CT (Important Project of Common European Interest in microelectronics and communication technologies) concerns research and development projects covering microelectronics and communication technologies across the whole value chain from materials and tools to the final components through the chip designs and manufacturing processes.

These projects aim at enabling the digital and green transformation by:

(i) creating innovative microelectronics and communication solutions, and
(ii) developing energy-efficient and resource-saving electronics systems and manufacturing methods.

They will contribute to the technological advancement of many sectors, including communications (5G and 6G), automotive and mobility, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. They will also support companies active in the energy generation, distribution and use in their green transition.

They aim at developing technologies that will allow major improvements, notably in the areas of sensors, high performance processors, microprocessors including artificial intelligence, actuators and communication means for secure data exchange.

IPCEI ME/CT follows and complements the first IPCEI to support research and innovation in the field of microelectronics.

Read more about IPCEI ME/CT

With the support of Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade, Bmo City, South Moravia, and Czech Technical University in Prague