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Registrations closed since 16/06/2021 06:00 PM. For more information about, please contact the organizer..
Registration for the Business Connect


On 24/06/2021
From 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM



100% Digital event - See you online



Not registered

Registrations closed
For more information about, please contact the organizer..

They already registered...


Rules for participation

This event is free for all.
However, registration is mandatory.

You can register several people per company: you will then have to choose if each person will have his own appointment schedule or if you will make the appointments jointly.

The appointments will be distributed according to your choices and according to the participants who have also selected you for a meeting.

Contact us

Any question?

Feel free to contact us by email: positivimpact@levillagebyca.com

For urgent matters:

(France) Léo GUILLON | Village by CA Nord de France
Tel : +33 (0)6 34 16 51 90
Mail :  leo.guillon@ca-norddefrance.fr


(Italy) Matteo SCARPA | Village by CA Milano
Tel :  (+39) 375 6866963 
Mail : matteo.scarpa@levillagebyca.com

Welcome to the registration platform for the Business Connect Positiv’ Impact

The Villages by CA of Milan, Nevers, Nord de France, Parme et Rouen organise a Business Connect
« Positiv’ Impact » 100% digital. 

The first French – Italian Business Connect Village by CA!

A morning of exchanges among Italian and French partners and startups of the Villages by CA offering solutions to the social and environmental challenges!

  • Goal : Give all the success opportunities to the projects that have a positive impact on society and environment, and promote synergies among partners and startups of the Villages by CA
  • Format : 15-minutes speed-meetings organized according to your preferences. Up to 10 business meetings 1 to 1 in a morning!

🗣️ Your French or Italian is a bit rusty? Don’t worry, meetings can be held in English if you wish!

Interested by this event?

  • You have until June 10th to register and fill in your profile.
  • From June 3rd to June 16th you will choose the participants you would like to meet among those registered.
  • From June 18th you will have your personalized schedule for the event.

The Business Connect will take place on Thursday 24th June from 9:00 am until 12:30 pm.

All the organization and your meetings will take place through this platform.

Scheduled at a glance


  • 9.00am - 12.30am | 15 minutes speed-meetings

There are potentially 11 appointment slots per person.
An appointment starts every 20 minutes (15 minutes appointments followed by a 5 minutes transition)